Sabtu, 27 September 2014

liver, kidneys, and

liver, kidneys, and can reduce deaths from stroke, and can keep the digestive tract. So this is a lot to encourage farmers to grow bisnis online banana plants that are easier to reach and generate more profits, but these plants can not be avoided from the risk of failure.
Banana plants are produced to meet the needs of the community, because this plant is often processed into masakkan. Because petai lot of benefits due to the natural sugars. The more people who consume the banana, the banana banana which is expected to generate even more with good quality. However, based on the Department of Agriculture in 2006 Propvinsi Java farmers can produce 7,091 tons of banana, while in 2007 produces about 5,341 tons. But with such banana production has not matched petai consumption every year for example in the year 2006 as many as 6133 while in 2007 it increased to 13%. It can be seen that the banana crops in Indonesia is decreasing, this is due to some problems that can thwart crop pests, namely the presence of, or located in a poor soil structure as a growing medium. These problems can be solved at once can actually increase yields with better quality. In the cultivation of banana plants required special attention.
Banana plants need fertilizer to improve the quality of the banana. Only certain types of fertilizer that can be used to grow a banana plant. Not only manure, NPK, compost leaves and other various types of fertilizers that can be used as an optimal crop development, it turns out the dregs of the boards can also be used as a brewed compost tea waste, due to the brewed tea dregs contain organic carbon that is able to enrich the soil. So the plants can grow and develop optimally.
Some plants Efficacy and Benefits Pete / Petai for Our Health. Read petai (pete) mlanding (Parkia speciosa) is a tropical tree of the tribe's annual legumes (Fabaceae), a child-rate banana-petaian (Mimosoidae), Petai / Pete contain 3
PADIPOKER.COM AGENT JUDI POKER SITUS POKER ONLINE TERAMAN DAN TERPERCAYA INDONESIA  natural sugars sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. The combination of the womb is capable of providing an instant energy boost, but long enough and big enough effect. According to research experts are able to prove two servings of petai provide enough energy for a strenuous 90 minutes.

Selasa, 09 September 2014

La batata o camote o "batata

La batata o camote o "batata" es supuestamente derivan del continente americano. Los botánicos y región agrícola de plantas de camote estimación origen son Nueva Zelanda, Polinesia, y la parte central de América. Difusión de camote en todo el mundo, especialmente los países de climas tropicales, estima en el siglo 16. Los españoles acreditados propagación del camote a Asia, especialmente a las Filipinas, Japón e Indonesia (Dirección Legumbres y Tubérculos, 2002). Sistemática plantas (taxonomía), plantas de camote se clasifican de Judi Bola Online la siguiente manera (Rukmana, 1997):
Reino: Plantae

División: Spermatophyta

Barrio: Angiospermae

Clase: Dicotyledonae

Orden: Convolvulales

Familia: Convolvulaceae

Género: Ipomoea

Especie: Ipomoea batatas.

La batata es una planta que crece bien en climas cálidos y húmedos, la temperatura óptima de 27 ° C y el tiempo de irradiación de 11-12 horas por día. Esta planta puede crecer hasta una altura de 1.000 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Las patatas dulces no requieren un suelo fértil para el medio de cultivo. La cosecha de patatas dulces en las tierras bajas es de ± 16 semanas, mientras que para la meseta ± 24-25 semanas (Wargiono, 1989). Cosecha de patatas dulces son un ideal a partir de 3 meses de edad, con demoras en la última hasta la edad de 4 meses. Cultivos a la edad de más de 4 meses, además de el riesgo de ataque de plagas Boleng lo suficientemente alta, no dará resultados de ñame aumento. La recolección se realiza en exceso puede reducir la vida útil de calidad óptima. La cosecha no debe dar lugar a cortes y contusiones en la bombilla con el fin de obtener buena calidad (Pantastico, 1986).
En la plantación de 1.960 camote se ha extendido a todas las provincias de Indonesia. En 1968 Indonesia es el número de cuatro patata dulce en el mundo. Dulce centro de la producción de papa es en Java Occidental, Java Central, Java Oriental, Irian Jaya, y Sumatra Utara.0,92-0,98%., Almidón 17,06 a 28,19%, 1,19 a 2,07 Proteína %, azúcar
Taruhan Bola Online 0,38-0,43%, 2,16-5,24% de fibra cruda y beta-caroteno 17,42 a 51,20%. Por lo tanto, la batata juega un papel importante en la comunidad de la seguridad alimentaria.

Senin, 01 September 2014

At planting broccoli and cauliflower

  At planting broccoli and cauliflower with interest on the nursery system there is always some plants that die, either because of failure of plant adaptation to post-transplanting or by insects (especially caterpillars ground Agrotis sp.). at the age of 7 days after planting, Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercaya  check the entire plant. If there are plants that are found dead, immediately replace with new seedlings.

     sanitary Land
     Perform weeding grass and weeds around the plants (including diselokan). In addition to being a competitor staple crops to absorb soil nutrients, weeds can be a caterpillar pest breeding sites.

     - EMP technology and fertilizer applications would be optimal if the condition of the soil in a moist state is stable.
     - Do watering / irrigation regularly to achieve that goal.

H. Major Pests and Diseases on Broccoli and Cauliflower

1 caterpillar Land (Agrotis sp.)
Caterpillars are brown to blackish brown is the new small plants attack the caravan moved to land. The attacks usually occur at night, because the sun ulatini fear. Base of the stem is still very succulent plants digerek to drop. As a result, the plants die because they do not have the growing point.

     - Perform proper sanitary land, including in galengan or ditches around the field site.
     - Pests usually done bit by bit, immediately eradicate with insecticide granules. Sprinkle these insecticides in addition to staple crops. The dose
SARANA99.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA of about 0.3-0.4 g per plant or 6 kg per hectare 400EC Insecticide Prefektion.
     - Other Insecticides that can be used in them.